Rs 1800 crore development drilling programme: RFQs in Q3, 2018
Apr 11: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 1800 crore 8Project Description: The Promoter is planning Onshore Oil & Gas Development Drilling and Production programme. The project involves drilling of 52 wells, construction of six production installations and laying of associated flow pipelines. A large part of the project area has dense forest cover. The Application for Forest Clearance is yet to be submitted. The equipment required for the project will be Drill Pipes, Casing Pipes, Xmas Trees, Blow Out Preventer, Cementing services, Drilling fluid services, other Oilfield chemicals and transportation services. 8Project Event: RFQ for the equipment and oilfield chemicals are expected by Q3/2018. RFQ for hiring EPC contractor for production installation and pipeline network are expected by Q3/2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2017 8RFQ Date: Q3/2018 8Release Date: Q3/2018 8Start Date: Jan/2020 8Completion Date: Dec/2022 Click here for more details for full project details and key owner contacts