Apr 09: 8Around 32% of the global PSV fleet is in lay-up, while the corresponding number for the global AHTS fleet is around 34%. Click on Report for more. 8A lot of performance parameters about GAIL are currently known. Lack of clarity is leading to "sell" recommendations on its scrip. What is needed is a watch over petchem profitability, profitability in the gas trading business, progress of pipeline projects and more visibility on placement of US contracts. The GAIL leadership needs to be upfront and straight on these issues. Click on Report for more. 8Gujarat State Petronet had won the bids for three cross-country pipelines (Mehsana-Bhatinda, Bhatinda-Srinagar, Mallavaram-Bhilwara). There is, however, no clarity yet on the current status, timelines and other details regarding these pipelines. Click on Report for more. 8The Sino-Pakistani relationship was forged out of a common desire to limit India. It has since grown beyond that goal, even though it continues to underscore the relationship. The danger for Pakistan, however, is that it could grow over-dependent on China. That perception of potential danger is now in the public domain. Know more click on Report. 8Natural gas can be used in desalination and it provides for a better return than other competing sources. Click on Report for more. 8Renewable energy auctions around the world once again produced record-low figures for the resulting tariffs. But the industry is changing rapidly. One uncertainty ahead for renewable energy is how investors will take to the coming period in which project revenues have no government price support, and instead depend on independent power purchase agreements or even just merchant power prices. But life is getting tougher in this business. Find out more about how funding is getting increasingly innovative due to competitive pressures. Click on Report for more.