E&P projects: Find out what opportunities lie ahead
Apr 09: 8Project Name: Onshore Field Exploratory Drilling 8Project Cost: Rs 100 crore. 8Project Description: Promoter is planning the exploratory drilling of oil wells in an onshore Block. The RFQs for the rigs are out as predicted by us. RFQs for the following equipment are expected shortly for Cementing Unit, Blow Out Preventer, Pressure Gauge, Valves, Mud Chemicals and Mobile Effluent Treatment Plant. 8Project Event: RFQs for the equipment are expected by June 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2018. 8RFQ Date: Jun/2018. 8Release Date: Jul/2018. 8Date: Q4/2018. 8Completion Date: Q2/2019. Click here for more details 8Project Name: Oil Field Redevelopment 8Project Cost: Rs 1200 crore 8Project Description: The drilling part of the project would be done by the promoter itself. Further requirements from the company's end will be for Xmas Trees, Couplings, Adapater, Adapter Spool, Wireline and Cementing Services. 8Project Event: ONGC will come out with RFQs for equipment by June 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Feb/2017 8RFQ Date: Jun/2018 8Release Date: Jul/2018 8Start Date: Q4/2018 8Completion Date: Q4/2020 Click here for more information