Apr 06: 8 Project Name: Onshore Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 8000 Crore. 8Project Description: Promoter is planning development drilling of oil wells at an oil field in the onshore block. Currently, EIA report preparation is on. The requirements coming up are for Drilling Rigs, Xmas Trees, Manifolds, DG Sets, Compressor, HSD. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring drilling rigs is expected by June 2018. RFQs for hiring equipment is expected by August 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2018 8RFQ Date: Jun/2018 8Release Date: Aug/2018 8Start Date: Q2/2019 8Completion Date: Q4/2022 Click here for more details 8Project Name: Oilfield Development 8Project Cost: Rs 100 crore. 8Project Description: Promoter along with two consultants is planning is embarking on a development programme. The project will also involve infield pipeline network. Further RFQs are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQ for hiring equipment and wireline services is expected by July instead of May 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017 8RFQ Date: Jul/2018 8Release Date: Aug/2018 8Start Date: Q4/2018 8Completion Date: Q2/2019 Click here for more details 8Project Name: Oil Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 300 crore 8Project Description: The Promoter is planning exploration and development drilling of 11 wells. Besides drilling of wells, construction of a Group Well Head Installation facility near the new wells is also being planned. An EIA consultant has already been hired. Further RFQs are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQ for the hiring of oilfield services and other oilfield chemicals are expected by July 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017 8RFQ Date: July/2018 8Release Date: Aug/2018 8Start Date: Oct/2019 8Completion Date: Dec/2021 Click here for more details