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Mar 21: 8China set 'to dominate the world' in electric cars. Find out how click on Report.
8Electricity generation from fossil fuels declined in 2017 as renewable generation rose. Click on Report for more.
8A tax on carbon is a sure way to raise the demand for gas, as was shown by one country, where gas consumption went up by 56% when the carbon price was tripled. How far away is India from there? Click on Report for more.
8There is an increasing consensus that preferential tax rates for diesel fuel resemble a high-stakes bet on a technology that is less cost-effective, less future-proof, and more polluting than competing power trains. Click on Report for more.
8Options to comply with low sulphur fuel oil use by the international shipping industry by 2020 include substituting bunker fuel with marine gas oil, blended fuels, high sulfur fuel oil with scrubbers and alternatives such as LNG. However, confusion reigns as the industry grapples with the magnitude of the change and the possibility of additional costs. Click on Report for more.


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