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Software updates: Downstream projects ahead
Mar 16: 8Project Name: Refinery LAB Expansion Project
8Project Cost: Rs 400 Crore
8Project Description: An owner is planning to revamp its LAB plant in its refinery. A private company is appointed as the licensor of this project.
8Project Event: RFQ for PMC contractor is expected by August 2018.
8Expenditure Approval : Q4:2017
8RFQ Date: Aug/2018
8Release Date: Sep/2018
8Start Date : Q4:2018
8Completion Date : Q4:2021
Click here for more details.

8Project Name: Power Plant Project
8Project Cost: Rs 250 Crore
8Project Description: An owner is planning to install a gas-based power plant. A private company was appointed as an EIA Consultant.
8Project Event: RFQ for PMC Contractor to be expected by June 2018.
8Expenditure Approval : Q3:2017
8RFQ Date: Jun/2018
8Release Date: Jul/2018
8Start Date : Q4:2018
8Completion Date : Q4:2020
Click here for more details.

8Project Name: Brownfield LPG Bottling Plant Project
8Project Cost: Rs 90 Crore
8Project Description: An owner has selected an EPC contractor to expand its LPG bottling plant capacity. RFQ for the equipment is already out.
8Project Event: RFQ for electrical and erection work is expected by June 2018.
RFQ for the installation work is expected by September 2018.
8Expenditure Approval : Q2:2017
8RFQ Date: Jun/2018
8Release Date: Jul/2018
8Start Date : Q2:2018
8Completion Date : Q1:2020
Click here for more details.

8Multi Thousands Pipeline is planned more RFQs are coming soon.


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