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Project monitoring tool shows heightened E&P activity across India
Mar 14:  Our ground-up project monitoring tool is scooping out a lot of data on increased E&P activity across India. While the bulk of the thrust is coming from the national oil companies, there is a lot of private sector uptick. Here are some leads for the day
 EIA and oilfield services coming up

8 Project Name: Drilling Site Development.
8Project Cost: Rs 200 Crore.
8Project Description: Promoter is planning development of an onshore field. The project involves workover of 3 existing wells, and drilling of five development wells in the block. Moreover, the project will involve the laying of pipelines to connect the oil field with the nearest production facility. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The FDP for the project is under preparation which is expected to be completed by next month. The TOR for the project has been approved. However, a small delay is expected in RFQs on account of a few resignations. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring consultant for EIA services are expected by May instead of March 2018.
 RFQs for hiring services for Rigs and other oilfield services are expected by July instead of March 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2017
8RFQ Date: May/2018
8Release Date: Jun/2018
8Start Date: Q3/2018
8Completion Date: Q4/2020
 Click here for more details

 Equipment RFQs coming up
8 Project Name: Development Drilling
8Project Description: Promoter is planning the development drilling of 40 wells in an oil Block, covering a 300 sq Km area. The project is listed out as an expansion project for the already existing 20 wells development drilling project. Currently, the well fluid collection and testing facilities for the oil field are located at GGS and GPC, each with a processing capacity of 1.5 MMSCMD and 1.0 MMSCMD respectively.
 The rig package and pipeline contract are in the final stage of the award. RFQs for all well consumables and production equipment namely X-Mas tree, Tubing Head Spool, Hanger Flange / Tubing Hangers, Separators with all accessories, Steam Jacket, Ground X-Mas tree, Tubing Pipes for surface fittings and flare line etc are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring the civil contractor for construction works are expected by May end 2018 instead of February 2018.
 RFQ for equipment is expected by June 2018 instead of March 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2016
8RFQ Date: May/2018
8Release Date: Jun/2018
8Start Date: Oct/2018
8Completion Date: Q2/2021    
 Click here for more details

 Rig Mobilization services RFQs coming up.
8Project Name: Maintenance Dredging & Spoil Disposal Project
8Project Cost: Rs 150 crore.
8Project Description: The promoter is planning the Maintenance Dredging and Spoil Disposal for wellhead platform. The proposed project involves the dredging of 3 Million Cubic Meter in specific locations and disposal of dredged spoil in the offshore areas of deeper contour.
 An EIA Consultant has already been hired for the project. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring an EPC Contractor is expected by May 2018.
 RFQs for Rig Mobilization services (Rig-down, Relocation & Rig-up) is expected by July 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2017
8RFQ Date: Q2/2018
8Release Date: Q2/2018
8Start Date: July/2019
8Completion Date: Dec/2022
 Click here for more details


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