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Prefeasibility for a second offshore wind farm in India-II: A lot of data has been thrown up
Mar 13: The prefeasibility report for a wind farm carried here by the website throws up a lot of interesting data that oil & gas companies may find interesting to look at.
8What kind of turbines will be best suited for offshore Indian wind, given possibilities of extreme weather conditions. A long list of suitable turbine designs are enclosed. Cost studies are included.
8How to chose sites and what goes into the selection process? What kind of modeling and software to use?
8Geotechnical studies and what they throw up
8Wind farm layout and design, as well as turbine arrays along with energy production estimates
8Onshore substation design and costing
8Preliminary foundation cost estimates
8Monopole support structures and costing
8Opex estimates. 
8Capex cost and comparisons
8Project risk and mitigation
Click on Reports for more


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