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Spate of onland E&P projects coming up-I: RFQs in July for rigs for Rs 2000 crore development plan
Mar 07: A spate of new onshore development will provide enough business for E&P equipment and service suppliers
Project Name: Greendfield Oil and Gas Field Site Development
8Project Cost: Rs 2000 Crore.
8Project Description: The operator is planning the development of  an onshore hydrocarbon area spread over different blocks which are geographically aligned. The project involves development drilling of 54 onshore wells, 02 production installations and laying of 250 km infield pipeline. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The Environmental Clearance for the project is expected by October 2018. The process of hiring an EPC contractor for production installations is expected to begin soon. RFQ for the Drilling Rigs, Blowout Controller, Xmas Trees, Cementing, Wireline, Drill Collar etc is expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for EPC contractor for production installation and the pipeline network are expected by June instead of March 2018.
RFQs for hiring services for rigs and equipment are expected by July instead of April 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017
8RFQ Date: Jun/2018
8Release Date: Jul/2018
8Start Date: May/2019
8Completion Date: Dec/2021
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