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Is CNG a better option for India-III: Marine CNG carriers are easy to build
Mar 06: Marine CNG carriers are also easy to build
8Vessels are significantly cheaper than LNG - approximately 1/3 - 1/6th of the capital cost
8What is more these ships are easily is re-deployable as around 85% of costs are in the ships.
8By contrast, LNG consists mostly of sunk costs in fixed liquefaction export facilities and LNG import facilities
8What is more, marine CNG ships and fleets can be sized to fit the initial market, followed by future investments phasing in only when the markets materialise.
8Ships can be added incrementally (phased in) as the market demand volumes grow
8Marine CNG can be operational within maximum 3-4 years vs LNG development taking 6-8 years.
8Monetisation of reserves can be accelerated by expanding the CNG fleet to meet growing market demands.  Ships can be re-deployed to other operations at end of field life.
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