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VLGC & LGC carriers: What has the future in store?
Mar 05: The freight rates for VLGC and LGC carriers have been in dramatic decline since 2016.
8Prices in the fourth quarter of 2017 were down to $17,500 daily TCE from over $27,000 in 2016 for VLGCs
8For LGC's, the rate went down from $23,000 to $14,100.
8The global supply and demand market is changing too, with the US LPG exports rising and that of Middle East declining.
8Both China and India continue to show a strong appetite for LPG.
8A global demand-supply matrix is presented here, along with US supply-demand and net export outlook for 2018 and 2019
8The order book position for vessels going ahead is documented too.
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