Rs 40,000 crore of new oil & gas investments coming up
Mar 01: The website carries here detailed information about nearly Rs 40,000 crore of new oil & gas investments coming up ahead. The information is exclusive, forward-looking and actionable. Detailed project data involving multiple parameters is carried here. Key owner contacts are vetted by our teams of analysts and then formatted into an enabling software for easy referencing. As a viewer, you can slice and dice the data in many ways through our 100-parameter search fields. We have built a sophisticated best-in-class software, helpful not just for equipment and service providers but also for bankers (looking for future capital approval dates) and raw material suppliers (looking for raw material input-output tables and future commissioning dates). Dedicated analyst support allows the viewer to validate or clarify any oil & gas project-related information with a guaranteed feedback loop of just 24 hours. Here is the first project 8Who says India does not offer a big opportunity for business development in the onshore E&P space? 8A massive Rs 8000 crore onland oil field development project is coming up Here are the details: 8Project Description: Promoter is planning to drill 190 Nos. of onshore wells and set up 10 Nos. of production installations along with laying of associated pipelines. A Wildlife Sanctuary (1.05 and a part of the National Park ESZ are within the block area. The application for Wildlife Clearance is under process and is expected by Q3 2018. An EIA Consultant for the project has already been hired. Further RFQs are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring an for hiring integrated drilling services is expected by Q3/2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2017 8RFQ Date: Q3/2018 8Release Date: Q3/2018 8Start Date: Oct/2019 8Completion Date: Oct/2022 Click here for more details