Feb 27: 8POL consumption picked up speed in January, with both petrol and diesel posting high double digit growth. Get the full disaggregated picture here click on Report. 8Imports of crude oil grew as India posted another month of lackluster oil production performance. Get detailed domestic oil output and crude oil and product import export data here. Click on Report for more. 8Last week was a quiet week for the VLCC market. Find out why click on Report. 8The US is slowly but steadily bringing down its strategic crude oil reserves. What prompts such a move? Click on Report for more. 8ONGC Videsh and GeoPark announce a strategic Latin American acquisition partnership. Click on Report for more. 8Among multiple factors, find out the ones which keep energy leaders awake at night and the ones on which they are busy at work. Click on Report for more. 8A bunch of oil honchos in India are debating the future of mobility in India. Do you want to take part? Click on Report for more. 8Here is the best projection of how US oil production will go till 2040 and what role tight role will play in it. Click on Report for more.