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Feb 22: 8HPCL seems to be bettering its performance of late, according to a technical analysis. Know more click on Report.
8Can Bihar be an industrial destination? Yes, says a report. Click on Report for more.
8NGLs are playing an increasing role in hydrocarbon liquid supplies in the world. RIL, for example, is the biggest importer of propane and it goes as feedstock in the company's gigantic petrochemical plants. LPG is a feedstock in China and India has a huge domestic market for it. Find out how this is changing the dynamics of business across the world. Click on Report for more.
8A new product launched recently has the potential to revolutionize the ethanol industry at a global level, increasing production of ethanol by a minimum of 10% without the need to increase the area of planted sugarcane. Find out more about this claim. Click on Report for more.
8Completely unaffected by anything that is currently shaping other areas of shipping, the newbuilding market remains in very good shape. Click on Report for more.
8The earnings in the capital goods sector saw most companies surprising on the positive side after many quarters of disappointment and earnings cut. Click on Report for more.


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