Feb 16: 8Project Name: Greenfield Pipeline Project 8Project Cost: 3400 crores 8Project Description: The owner along with EPC contractor IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited is carrying out construction activities of a natural gas pipeline project from Kochi to Mangalore with a capacity of 16 MMSCMD and length 1104 KM. The project was firstly completed in March 2013 but the deadline was rescheduled to June 2015 and again to February 2019 due to the ROW acquisition issues in Kerala and Tamilnadu. This project was going to be completed in two stages, with the first 44 KM pipeline phase connecting Kochi port to FACT plant already commissioned whereas the second phase of 1060 KM from Kotanand to Mangalore is presently under construction. Pipeline orders have already been placed. A slight delay in in trenching and laying work due to land acquisition. 8Project Event: RFQ for the trenching and pipeline laying work for phase-II is expected by April 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2012 8RFQ Date: Apr/2018 8Release Date: May/2018 8Start Date: Sep/2012 8Completion Date: Q1:2019 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Refinery Greenfield Gasoline Hydrotreating Unit 8Project Cost: 554 crores 8Project Description: The owner along with EPC contractor Engineers India Limited is carrying out engineering activities to install a new Gasoline Hydrotreating Unit (GTU) of 0.9 MMTPA capacity and associated facilities to produce 100% BS-VI MS in its Mumbai refinery. Contracting for equipment and services are currently on. 8Project Event:RFQ for electrical and instrumentation work is expected by June 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2017 8RFQ Date: Jun/2018 8Release Date: Jul/2018 8Start Date: Q1:2017 8Completion Date: Q1:2019 Click here for more information 8 Project Name: EPC contractor RFQ likely for 600 km pipeline network 8Project Cost: Rs 10000 Crore. 8Project Description: Promoter is planning the composite development of Petroleum Mining Leases (PML) blocks. The project involves development drilling of 300 wells, production installations and laying of 600 km infield pipeline. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The Environmental Clearance for the project is expected by August 2018. The process of hiring an EPC contractor for production installations and the pipeline laying is expected to begin soon. RFQ for the drilling rigs, Blowout Controller, Xmas Trees, Cementing, Wireline, Drill Collar etc is expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring Rigs and other equipment is expected by July 2018. RFQs for hiring EPC contractor for pipeline part of the project is expected by September 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017 8RFQ Date: Sep/2018 8Release Date: Oct/2018 8Start Date: Jan/2019 8Completion Date: Jan/2021 Click here for more details 8 Project Name: Pipeline subcontract expected soon 8Project Cost: Rs 2000 Crore. 8Project Description: Promoter is planning the development of an Oil and Gas field. The project involves development drilling of 60 onshore wells, production installations and laying of 300 km infield pipeline. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The Environmental Clearance for the project is expected by October 2018. The process of hiring an EPC contractor for production installations is expected to begin soon. RFQ for the Drilling Rigs, Blowout Controller, Xmas Trees, Cementing, Wireline, Drill Collar etc is expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring Rigs and other equipment is expected by July 2018. RFQs for pipeline subcontract is expected by March 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017 8RFQ Date: Mar/2018 8Release Date: Apr/2018 8Start Date: Mar/2019 8Completion Date: Apr/2021 Click here for more details