Feb 16: 8Project Name: Super-Critical Brownfield Thermal Power Plant 8Project Cost: 4500 crores 8Project Description: The owner is planning to establish a 800 MW super-critical thermal power complex in place of its existing 2x120 MW and 1x200 MW units. The dismantling tenders for 2x120 MW and 1x200 MW are already out which is under evaluation. Currently, PFR has been submitted to MoEF for scoping the TOR. Office buildings, DM plant, Coal Handling Plant and switch-yard has to be shifted to a new place for the existing units. The owner will come out with the requirement for consultancy services for DPR preparation soon. Moreover, bids for EPC contractors are likely to be out after preparation of EIA report. 8Project Event: RFQs for consultancy services for DPR preparation are expected to be out March 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2018 8RFQ Date: Mar/2018 8Release Date: Apr/2018 8Start Date: Q1:2020 8Completion Date: Q3:2024 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Greenfield Hydroelectric Power Station 8Project Cost: 300 crores 8Project Description: The owner's 97 MW greenfield hydroelectric project is on hold on account of delay in S&I works and frequent bad weather conditions at the site. DPR is currently under preparation, which is at final stages of completion. Public hearing is still pending. The developer will come out with a requirement for an EIA consultant for preparation of EIA/EMP report. 8Project Event: RFQ for an EIA consultant is expected by Q3 2018, instead of Q4 2017. 8Expenditure Approval: 2014 8RFQ Date: Q3:2018 8Release Date: Q4:2018 8Start Date: 2020 8Completion Date: 2024 Click here for more information