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GSPL: Where will extra business come from when RIL's 10 demand tapers off?
Feb 12: When it comes to a pipeline tariff hike, the usual procedure is to shoot for the moon so as to be able to land on the trees.
8Gujarat State Petronet Ltd is no exception to this convention.
8But nevertheless a higher tariff ruling is expected from the fully functional PNGRB in the next months on the company's application.
8The question is whether the company will be able to sustain higher volumes in the face of rising LNG prices
8RIL's continued demand for high volumes of gas through GSPL's network is a big shot in the arm but only for now. While this is indicative of the extra time taken to stablize RIL's gasification plants, RIL volumes will taper off sooner than later.
8Volumes will have to kick in from elsewhere.
8Find out more on where new business is going to come from for GSPL.
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