Feb 02:
The PNGRB is now steered by a dynamic chairman. Will a full quorum, a lot of action is anticipated particularly on pipelines that have been awarded but not completed. The regulator looking at taking stricter action against such companies, including possible revocation of award and forfeiture of performance bonds. 8The board is also looking at the formation of Special Purpose Vehicles and nominating PSUs for award of newer pipelines. 8In an exclusive interview, the PNGRB has acknowledged that there is serious resistance from existing consumers to the implementation of a unified tariff. 8The board is now trying to figure out a solution that satisfies all sides 8The PNGRB is also contemplating whether there should be one unified tariff for all pipeline companies across India or whether it should be company-wide. 8Almost all tariff revisions have been legally protested against. So the board is looking at expeditiously resolving ongoing litigation and working together with the industry rather than being at loggerheads. 8Find out more on how the CGD sector and demand for gas will be impacted by what the PNGRB is contemplating to do. Click on Report for more.