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Early production system: EPC selected, RFQ for subcontractor hiring in February
Feb 01: 8Project Name: Early Production System
8Project Cost: Rs 30 crore.
8Project Description: An E&P company has selected its EPC contractor for the EPS (Early Production System) development project in an onland oilfield. The project will involve supply as well as the installation of an Early Production System. The EPC contractor is expected to complete the project by 2018 December.
Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for hiring the subcontractor is expected by February end 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Nov/2017.
8RFQ Date: 28/Feb/2018.
8Release Date: Mar/2018.
8Date: Q2/2018.
8Completion Date: Q2/2019.
Click here for more details

8RFQ of the Long term contract for the duration of 2 years for a Service Rate Contract for during Refinery Maintenance, Project work, Emergency and Shutdown activities is expected by mid February 2018.
Click on Details for more


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