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Jan 19: 8Want to hear Rabi Bastia speak on oil hitting a two-year high, disruptive technologies, the advent of battery cars and tensions in the Middle East? Here is an opportunity today. Click on Report for more.
8Clean vehicle adoption leads to a more significant reduction in petrol and diesel consumption than has generally been assumed, according to new research. Click on Report for more.
8Between 2001 and 2016, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) committed $127 billion through 3,343 projects across the developing world. But a new study seems to indicate that the focus has been all wrong. Click on Report for more.
8With GAIL reworking a deal with the Russians for supply of LNG, find out why the world now perceives India as masters in the art of renegotiating LNG deals. Most other companies refuse to negotiate assuming that a signed deal is sacrosanct no matter the consequences. It is an advantage or a disadvantage for India going forward to be tagged as master negotiators? Click on Report for more.
8Technology and policy developments point to the entry of more efficient new long haul trucks in the future. Find out more. Click on Report.
8In the midst of low gas prices, the world seems to have forgotten about large gas hydrates reserves found in Indian waters. There is still a view that commercial production is possible and the first to step in will be those countries without adequate conventional hydrocarbon reserves. Japan, Korea, India, China and Malaysia are among potential candidates. Click on Report for more.
8L&T has scaled down its guidance to zero to marginal positive growth in 2017-18 from the earlier guidance of 12-14% growth given weak order inflow witnessed by the company. But there is expected to be a reasonable uptick in business in Q-4 in the face of a reviving economy. Get a detailed outlook here. Click on Report.
8Business opportunity is coming up for a six well onland appraisal drilling programme. Find out more. Click on Report.
8Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA Executive Director, delivered a delivered a written testimony to the US senate on the state of the oil & gas industry. It makes for interesting reading on what the future has in store. Click on Report for more.
8If you are a global company, you should be aware on what kind of global risks the world faces in 2018. Here is a full preview. Click on Report for more.
8Oil marketing rebalancing will not be all that simple, says full report. Click on Report for more.
8Get the latest oil tanker rate report. Click on Report for more.


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