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Software Updates : Power Projects
Jan 17: 8Project Name: Thermal Power Station - FGD Addition
8Project Cost: 500 crores
8Project Description: The owner is planning the installation of a Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) unit at it's 1000 MW (2*500 MW) unit in its 2340 MW (4*210 MW + 2*500 + 2*250 MW) thermal power complex. The company is expected to float tenders for the same. Currently, site survey activities are ongoing for a feasibility report which is under preparation. Work on the project is mean to start in early 2019. RFQ for supply of an FGD is expected to be out soon.
8Project Event: RFQ for supply of an FGD is expected to be out by Q2 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q4:2017
8RFQ Date: Q2:2018
8Release Date: Q3:2018
8Start Date: Q2:2019
8Completion Date: Q1:2021
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