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Spot prices at new highs-I: 2018 is going to be a high-price year
Jan 09: Spot LNG prices rose to highs not seen since November 2014 on strong demand as a cold snap stimulated consumption in China, Japan and elsewhere.
8 India has also launched fresh purchase tenders
8Spot prices for February delivery steadied at $11.30/mmbtu of late.
8These are high prices in India
8Given high demand, gas prices are unlikely to show softness in 2018.
8This is buttressed by Australia's chief economist who said that the country's LNG on a FOB basis will be relatively stable in in 2018-2019 (July-June) after rising from the 2016-2017 period.
8The country's LNG export unit value is forecast to average $7.2/MMBtu in 2018-2019, compared to an expected $7.3/MMBtu in the current period, and up from $6.6/MMBtu in 2016-2017. Click on Report for more.


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