Jan 05:
Projections keeping changing on how gas prices are going to behave going ahead. 8The latest projections do not see any dip in Asian import prices at all despite the supply overhang 8Prices are slated to be around $7/mmbtu until 2020. 8After 2020, the projection is that import prices will rise to above $8/mmbtu, and steadily going up right up to 2040 8These are detailed projections under-pinned with a lot of data. 8The rising price curves will have favorable implications for the KG Basin gas producers, whose prices will be linked to import prices. 8ONGC's KG-DWN-98/2 output is expected to be break-even at well over $6/mmbtu but given the latest projections on import gas price behaviour, the company can expect to get a reasonable return on investment 8A recent tribunal decision has restored an earlier order that did not allow a oil & gas contractor to seek a tax exemption on income arising out of procurement of offshore equipment. Click on Reports for more