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Software updates: Oil and Gas Projects.
Jan 05: 8Project Name: RFQs in April instead of January, 2018 for Offshore Field Development.
8Project Cost: Rs 400 crore.
8Project Description: Promoter is planning the development of an Offshore Field. The project involves drilling of 2 wells, installation of one wellhead platform and laying of 4-inch 10km pipeline. Currently, the project is in clearance stage. The whole project is expected to be executed by lump sum Integrated Project Mangement consultant and Engineering Procurement Installation and commisioning model. A slight delay is expected from company's end regarding project RFQs. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring IPM consultant and EPIC contractor is expected by April 2018 instead of January 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2016
8RFQ Date: Apr/2018
8Release Date: May/2018
8Start Date: Q1/2021
8Completion Date: Q2/2022
 Click here for more details

 8Project Name: RFQ for Captive Solar Power Unit in March instead of January, 2018.
8Project Cost: Rs 25 crore
8Project Description: Promoteris planning the installation of a 5MW captive Solar Power Unit. Currently, the project is in initial stage. As of now feasibility report for the project has not been prepared. The project will involve installation of solar panels and other power generation units in the existing premises of the promoter for an overall power generation of 5 MW. The project will have to be executed on turnkey basis. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for hiring the LSTK contractor for the project is expected by March 2018 instead of January 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Nov/2017
8RFQ Date: Mar/2017
8Release Date: Apr/2018
 8Start Date: Jun/2018
8Completion Date: Q1/2019
 Click here for more information
8Project Name: Delay in environment clearance for Greenfield 2G Bio-Refinery. Site work only after June.
8Project Cost: Rs 600 Crore
8Project Description: An existing company along with EPC contractor and licensor is planning to construct an ethanol plant based on the DBT-ICT 2G Ethanol technology developed indigenously to produce 100KL fuel-grade ethanol per day, primarily from biomass and will use approximately 450 tons of biomass per day. A delay is expected in the requirement of equipment due to delay in environmental clearance. Now environmental clearance is expected by June 2018.
8Project Event: RFQ for long lead items is expected by March 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2017
8RFQ Date: Mar/2018
8Release Date: Apr/2018
8Start Date: Q2:2018
8Completion Date: Q1:2021
 Click here for more details.
8Project Name: Pipeline Greenfield Project
8Project Cost: Rs 1542 Crore
8Project Description: An existing company is planning to construct a multi-product pipeline from one Dispatch Terminal to another POL terminal with a capacity of 2.78 MMTPA. At present selection of EPCM contractor is going on. RFQ for the equipment will be out after the selection of EPCM contractor.
8Project Event: RFQ for the equipment is expected by March 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2017
8RFQ Date: Mar/2018
8Release Date: May/2018
8Start Date: Q2:2018
8Completion Date: Q2:2021
 Click here for more details.


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