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GAIL in trouble-V: Wall of silence around GAIL's LNG deals
Jan 04: GAIL has proudly claimed that it has fully tied up its US offtake contracts but that is a lot of filibustering in such as claim that the maverick GAIL management is now well known for.
8The point to note is that GAIL is tied up with long term gas off take contract while these tie-ups are extremely short term in nature.
8Unless long term offtake deals are signed, they will continue to remain a big risk
8A hit of USD1/mmBtu on the whole quantity -- which is entirely a possibility -- could wipe out  as much as 22% of its EBITDA. 
8Right now, GAIL faces a serious problem on the offtake front without a resolution in sight.
8The problem is that there is wall of silence around it.
8How can a publicly funded company stay completely quiet on a development that can burn a big hole in its profitability and, if the condition persists as it well might, wipe out its networth still remains a big mystery.
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