Jan 02: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development. 8Project Cost: Rs 70 crore. 8Project Description: Promoter is is planning the development of an oil field. The block was awarded to the company under the discovered small field round in 2016. The project involves workover of 2 temporarily abandoned wells and development drilling 5 wells spread over an area of 15.10 sq. km. Moreover, the project also involves laying of pipelines for connecting the oil field with nearest production facility. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The TOR for the project has been granted now. However, a slight delay is expected on account of a few resignations. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQ for hiring a consultant for EIA services is expected by February end 2018. RFQ for hiring rigs and other oilfield services is expected by February end 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2017. 8RFQ Date: Feb/2018. 8Release Date: Mar/2018. 8Start Date: Q2/2018. 8Completion Date: Q4/2019. Click here for more details 8Project Name: Drilling Site Development 8Project Cost: Rs 100 crore 8Project Description: Promoter is planning development of an onshore field awarded to it under the discovered small fields round in 2016. The project involves workover of 2 existing wells and drilling of five development wells in the block. Moreover, the project will involve the laying of pipelines to connect the oil field with the nearest production facility. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The FDP for the project is under preparation which is expected to be completed by next month. The TOR for the project has been approved.However, a small delay is expected in RFQs on account of a few resignations. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring consultant for EIA services are expected by February end 2018. RFQs for hiring services for Rigs and other oilfield services are expected by February end 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2017 8RFQ Date: Feb/2018 8Release Date: Mar/2018 8Start Date: Q2/2018 8Completion Date: Q2/2020 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Refinery BS VI Up-gradation Project 8Project Cost: Rs 3200 Crore 8Project Description: An existing company along with EPC contractor and licensor is planning to construct the following new units DHDT of 1200TMTPA, ARU of 200 TPH, Sulphuric Acid Plant of 370 TPD and revamping of Prime-G from 0.3 MMTPA to 200 TMTPA, HGU from 75 TMTPA to 90 TMTPA to meet BS-VI Fuel Quality Up-gradation within the existing Refinery. Environmental Clearance is expected by March 2017. Tendering process for the equipment is going on. 8Project Event: RFQ for civil work is expected by February 2018. 8Expenditure Approval : Q3:2016 8RFQ Date : Feb/2018 8Release Date: Mar/2018 8Start Date : Q1:2018 8Completion Date : Q3:2020 Click here for more details. 8Project Name: Brownfield LPG Bottling Plant 8Project Cost: Rs 32 Crore 8Project Description: An existing company along with EPC contractor is carrying out construction work to expand its LPG bottling. capacity from 900 MT to 2400 MT by constructing a new 3 X 500 MT mounded storage vessels. At present civil work and tendering process of the equipment is going on 8Project Event: RFQ for erection and installation work is expected by March 2018. 8Expenditure Approval : Q1:2017 8RFQ Date : Mar/2018 8Release Date: Apr/2018 8Start Date : Q3:2017 8Completion Date : Q1:2019 Click here for more details.