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Nov 30: 8The pre-FID average forward looking breakeven price is below $30 per barrel in deepwater blocks for some companies. Costs have come down 45% since 2014. Find out more how that is getting done. Should ONGC have similar benchmarks, if not in the breakeven price but at least in terms of cost savings? What should be the ideal crude price curve in relation to investment of a good oil company? What is the breakeven price of crude for good project economics? Click on Report for more.
A small sized 1.5 MMTPA standalone LNG near-shore liquefaction plant is coming up with the intention of supplying LNG to India, among other countries. Find out how this low capacity plant is structured and what are the cost-economics of such a venture while catering to the needs of the local population through multiple offtake points along the onshore pipeline route. Click on Report for more.
8There are a bunch of Indian companies eyeing the Bangladesh LNG market but they need to be careful. Bulk of the LNG in Bangaldesh is meant to be used to generate power but the latest economics seem to indicate that the it is most expensive route to produce power. Cross border power, from India and Bhutan can be cheaper too. The website carries here a comparative chart of cost of power using domestic and imported coal, nuclear energy and LNG in Bangladesh. It is quite likely that LNG-based power may get left behind in the merit order dispatch system. Another point to note is that the Chinese are finding large coal fields in Bangaldesh and this will upset the applecart too. Find out more. Click on Report.
8Find out more on how international major Shell had to fire thousands of people to get to a level where performance is now defined in terms of financial outcome, not functional excellence. How did this important change in the culture of the company come about? Also know more about how Shell plans to be financially resilient and a relevant business for the generations to come. Are there lessons in how Shell is managing the transformation for Indian oil & gas companies? Click on Report for more.


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