The future is here-III: Global list of new technologies and how to select your best option
Nov 29:
For reference purposes, the website carries here a full matrix of available global bio-fuel technologies. 8They are divided into traditional and new categories 8And how far are they from being deployed 8Which are the hottest technologies currently 8What are the short and long term deployment opportunities 8Where are the scale up solutions 8What are the wider biofuel solutions at different levels of technical maturity 8What are the most innovative biofuel routes and what are the new laboratory solutions 8There are also a successful string of power-to-gas solutions sprouting up all over the world (see details here) 8What kind of biofuel and bioenergy technology upgradations are possible in a timeline framework going up to 2030 8How much will commercialising novel advanced biofuels cost 8What kind of policy frameworks are needed and what should India do Click on Reports for more