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Software updates: Oil and Gas Projects.
Nov 22: 8Project Name: Oilfield Development Drilling
8Project Cost: Rs 70 crore.
8Project Description: Promoter is planning development of an oil field in Andhra Pradesh. The block was awarded to company under-discovered small field round in 2016. The project involves workover of 2 temporarily abandoned wells and development drilling 5 wells spread over an area of 15.10 sq. km. Moreover, the project also involves laying of pipelines for connecting the oil field with nearest production facility. Currently, the project is in pre-clearance phase. The TOR submitted for the project has been rejected on the grounds, that the company had submitted a well centric proposal for development instead of entire block. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for hiring consultant for EIA services is expected by January 2018.
RFQ for hiring rigs and other oilfield services is expected by January 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2017.
8RFQ Date: Jan/2018.
8Release Date: Feb/2018.
8Date: Q2/2018.
8Completion Date: Q4/2019.
Click here for more details

8Project Name: GGS Office and Rain Water Harvesting.
8Project Cost: Rs 12.65 crore
8Project Description: Promoteris planning the development of GGS along with the implementation of a rainwater harvesting programme.The harvested water will be used for beneficial uses like gardening, toilet flushing, etc. and also for recharging of groundwater aquifers. The project involves the construction of an office complex, boundary walls, 2 groundwater recharge wells and other support facilities. The groundwater wells will be constructed at a cost of Rs 15 Lakh each.
The project has been delayed as the TOR needed change because promoter had listed the GGS as a standalone facility whereas it is connected with nearby wells and hence can't be listed as a standalone facility. The project therefore would fall under 1 (b) category of the clearance procedures of the Environment Ministry. So a slight delay is expected in grant of TOR. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for hiring EPC contractor for the project is expected by January 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Sep/2017
8RFQ Date: Jan/2018
8Release Date: Feb/2018
8Start Date: Q2/2018
8Completion Date: Q2/2019
Click here for more information


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