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Software updates: Fertilizer projects
Nov 20: SSP-Sulphuric Acid & NPK Fertilizer Expansion Project 
8Cost - Rs 75 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer company is awaiting environmental clearance for the expansion of its Single Super Phosphate capacity from 140000 TPA to 580000 TPA, Granulated NPK Fertilizer from 45000 TPA to 440,000 TPA and Sulphuric acid from 40000 TPA to 140000 TPA.
8Project Event: RFQ for a contractor is likely to be released in December in place of November 2017 due to a delay in environmental clearance.
Click here for more information
Single Super Phosphate Expansion Project  
8Cost - Rs 15 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer company is awaiting environmental clearance for its expansion of Single Super Phosphate from 216000 MTPA to 288000 MTPA 
8Project Event: RFQ for a contractor is likely to be released soon
Click here for more information
NPK-SSP & Sulphuric Acid Expansion Project  
8Cost - Rs 15 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer company is awaiting environmental clearance for its expansion of Single Super Phosphate Unit from 66000 TPA to 200000 TPA, Granulated NPK Fertilizer from 60000 TPA to 200000 TPA, Sulphuric acid from 33000 TPA to 50000 TPA.
8Project Event: RFQ for a contractor is likely to be released in December in place of November 2017 due to a delay in environmental clearance
Click here for more information


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