Nov 14: 8Project Name: Offshore Field Development. 8Project Cost: Rs 1000 crore. 8Project Description: Promoter is planning development of an offshore field. The project involves drilling of wells with an Electrical Submersible Pump system, installation of 1 new well platform and a 3 well clamp-on structure along with associated pipelines and power cables. At present, the oil production of the field is about 31000 bopd. A peak oil production of 5,000 bopd in the year 2019-20, with an incremental oil production of 2 MMT is envisaged from the project. Further RFQs for the project are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring an EPC contractor for supply and installation of a well platform along with associated pipelines and power cables are expected by November end 2017. 8Expenditure Approval: 23/Feb/2017. 8RFQ Date: 25/Nov/2017. 8Release Date: Q1/2018. 8Start Date: Q2/2018. 8Completion Date: Nov/2019. Click here for more details 8Project Name: Onshore Field Development. 8Project Cost: Rs 100 crore 8Project Description: Promoter is planning the development of an oil field. The block, along with two other blocks had been awarded to the company in small fields bid round 2016. The company is planning a study of the field prior to starting production. A detailed study of the oil field to estimate possible reserves and production is expected shortly. Moreover, an EOI is also expected for various drilling services. 8Project Event: RFQ for hiring consultant for oil field studies and analysis is rescheduled to December 2017. RFQ for EOI for various oil and gas services is expected by Q1 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017 8RFQ Date: 25/Dec/2017 8Release Date: Jan/2018 8Start Date: Apr/2018 8Completion Date: Apr/2019 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Greenfield LPG pipeline project 8Project Cost: Rs 6000 Crore 8Project Description: An existing company is planning to lay a 2,000-km, 6 MMTPA pipeline to carry liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from its Kandla import terminal on the west coast to Gorakhpur. The project work is divided into three stretches, 650 km( approx) each. List of long lead items would be finalized in coming months. 8Project Event: RFQ for project management consultant is expected by January 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2017 8RFQ Date: Jan/2018 8Release Date: Feb/2018 8Start Date: Q2:2018 8Completion Date: Q2:2021 Click here for more detailsfor up to six contacts for this project.