Refining capacity can be under threat-III: A trickle can become an avalanche
Nov 07:
The advent of the electric car will dramatically change the ecosystem surrounding the automobile industry. 8The auto ancillary business will not survive the way it is now as there are far less moving parts in an electric vehicles compared to a conventional car. 8The website also carries here full details on the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and how it is going to evolve in India 8Find out what role can utilities play in this evolution 8Case studies are carried here 8The website also carries here the case study of India's first electric commercial vehicle operator. The company was EBITDA positive in 10 months and cash positive in 25 months. 8Its vehicles have clocked in excess of 20 million kms Comment: Indian oil companies need to keep close track of these developments. It is now known how much of these developments have been taken into account by the likes of IHS which have been given the responsibility of making a demand assessment in India for the super refinery in Rajasthan. Once the viability of the electric car is established and a charging infrastructure is created, it will be a winner-take-all-kind of a situation. What is now a trickle will become an avalanche. Click on Reports to know more