Nov 06: 8Project Name: Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project 8Project Cost: Rs 4000 crore 8Project Description: The owner along with EIA consultant is carrying out the final EIA activities for a 1000 MW (4*250 MW) Pumped Storage Plant which envisages re-utilisation of water of the dam. TOR has been granted on 4 November 2013. Baseline data for three seasons activities have been completed. EIA studies are underway in which public hearing and social impact assessment are pending. EC is likely to be elicited by second quarter of 2018. The company will float out with package wise contracts after getting EC. 8Project Event: RFQ for civil works are expected by Q3 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2018 8RFQ Date: Q3:2018 8Release Date: Q4:2018 8Start Date: Q1:2019 8Completion Date: Q3:2025 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Gas Power Station Maintenance Project (Unit - GT4) 8Project Cost: Rs 15 crore 8Project Description: The developer has planned a 7-day scheduled maintenance of Unit-4 Gas Turbine (111.19 MW) in the 652 MW Gas Based Power Station covering major inspection (type C) of equipment which includes overhauling of auxiliary parts of the gas turbine set and compressor parts. 8Equipment required will be air filters, nozzle, water and oil piping, buckets, shrouds, support rings, combustion liners, thrust bearings, casings, pumps, seals, among others. 8Project Event: RFQ for equipment required in maintenance are expected by second week of December 2017. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2017 8RFQ Date: 15/Dec/2017 8Release Date: Jan/2018 8Start Date: 23/Feb/2018 8Completion Date: 1/Mar/2018 Click here for more information