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Software Updates : Power Projects
Oct 27: 8Project Name: Thermal Power Station Maintenance Project (Unit-3)
8Project Cost: Rs 12 crore
8Project Description: The owner has planned an 8-day scheduled maintenance of Unit-3 in the 1080 MW Thermal Power Station covering boiler and its auxiliaries that will include maintenance and inspection of equipment comprising boiler tubes, boiler refractories, filters, nozzles, valves, piping, inspection of oil in boiler and refilling it, buck-stays, seals, blades of ID and FD fans, among others.
8Project Event: RFQ of equipment required for maintenance is expected by fourth week of November 2017.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2017
8RFQ Date: 27/Nov/2017
8Release Date: 15/Dec/2017
8Start Date: 15/Feb/2018
8Completion Date: 22/Feb/2018
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Thermal Power Plant - Dismantling
8Project Cost: Rs 25 crore
8Project Description: The developer is planning to retire and dismantle Units 1 and 2 (2*120 MW) of its 450 MW (2*120+1*210 MW) thermal power plant. At present, the consultant is working on the feasibility studies for scoping of the project. As of now, these two units have already been shut down since January 2015 due to low schedule. Requirement for civil works and dismantling services of the two units are expected by third quarter of 2018.
8Project Event: RFQ for dismantling services is expected by Q3 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2018
8RFQ Date: Q3:2018
8Release Date: Q3:2018
8Start Date: Q4:2018
8Completion Date: Q2:2019
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Greenfield Hydroelectric Project-Update
8Project Cost: Rs 2030 Crores approximately
8Project Description: The owner is planning to construct a 143 MW hydroelectric power station. A requirement for drilling (geological equipment) has been released, and is under the tendering process. RFQ for earth work and minor civil work is expected to be out next. It is also likely that there will be a requirement for an EIA consultant by the final quarter of 2018.
8Project Event: RFQ for earth work (civil work) is expected to be out by the end of November, 2017.
8Expenditure Approval: 2015
8RFQ Date: Nov/2017
8Release Date: Nov/2017
8Start Date: 2020
8Completion Date: 2024
Click here for more information


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