Oct 16: 8Project Name: PEL Block Exploratory Drilling 8Project Cost: Rs 150 Crore 8Project Description: Promoter is planning to drill exploratory wells in a PEL Block. Currently, the project is in preclearance phase. The environment clearance for the project is expected by January 2018. The 2D seismic survey for the block was carried out in the year 2015 for overall area of 185 sq km, out of which 154 sq km has been relinquished. Currently, exploratory drilling for 2 other wells is going on in the block. RFQs for the following equipment are expected shortly: Tanking Facilities, Casing, Cementing Facilities and Chemical Additives 8Project Event: RFQs for equipment and additives are expected by December 2017. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2016 8RFQ Date: Dec/2017 8Release Date: Jan/2018 8Start Date: Q2/2018 8Completion Date: Sep/2020 Click here for more details. 8Project Name: Ratnagiri Refinery Greenfield Project 8Project Cost: Rs 200000 Crore 8Project Description: An existing company is planning to construct a refinery in a joint venture of two companies with a capacity of 60 MMTPA. EIL has been hired as a consultant for preparing all documentation works. Land acquisition work is completed. 8Project Event: RFQ for different Technology Licensor will be released from December 2017. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2017 8RFQ Date: Dec/2018 8Release Date: Jan/2018 8Start Date: Q2:2018 8Completion Date: Q2:2023 Click here for more details. 8Project Name: Product Pipeline Greenfield Project 8Project Cost: Rs 2800 Crore 8Project Description: An existing company is planning to construct a product pipeline with a capacity of 4.5 MMTPA. Land acquisition for associated facilities had been completed. 8Project Event: RFQ for main-line along with pumping stations are expected by December 2017. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2015 8RFQ Date: Dec/2017 8Release Date: Jan/2018 8Start Date: Q2:2018 8Completion Date: Q2:2021 Click here for more details.