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Oct 12: 8ONGC Videsh has lined up to take a briefing on how to bid for the massive Azadegan field in Iran. There will be yet another big Iranian that OVL plans to bid for. Meanwhile even as OVL struggles to find its moorings in Iran, the Chinese have already begun delivering oil from Iran. Click on Reports for more.
8The Draft National Energy Policy has not taken into account the full impact of the disruptive technology in its calculations. Click on Reports to find out more
8Download a full presentation on the Indian oil & gas sector by a senior petroleum ministry bureaucrat. Priorities are spelt out. Click on Reports.
8Find out more on a smart logistics conference promoted by a state government. Click on Reports for more.
8A weak environment has slowed down L&T order book growth but that is only a temporary blip. Find out how things are going to look bright sooner than later for the company. Click on Reports for more
8Coal India Ltd's performance has been impacted on many counts, such as grade slippage, e-auction price decline, deceleration in volume growth and uncertainties around the wage hike. over the last two years but the future is brighter. Click on Reports for more.
8Petronet LNG: Expect 40 percent capacity utilisation of Kochi terminal in 2018. Click on Reports for more.
8Find out more on the latest IMF projections on how oil prices are going to behave in 2018. Do not expect much change is what it seems to be saying. Click on Reports for more.
8Find out more on the growth potential of the Indian machine tools and welding industry.Click on Reports for more.
8India coal stocks are at rock bottom  and this is good news for bulkers. Click on Report for more.
8Find out more on the methodology and specifications that go into determining the LNG benchmark price for India. Click on Report for more.
8L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering wins a Rs 1150 Cr contract for the Daman platform installation and associated pipeline project but will ONGC be able to stick to the pre 2018 monsoon deadline for first gas? Click on Reports for more.
8As the Indian oil & gas sector grows, so does Pakistan's. Massive earnings growth is expected from its companies. And notwithstanding large capex cuts globally, Pak E&Ps are setting out to ramp up exploration on the back of lower onland cost of production. Click on Report for more.
8Find out more on how much more EIL earns from its big ticket projects in relation to smaller sized consultancies. What is the PMC margin in big refinery projects?Click on Report for more
8Is the government thinking of approving a minimum economy of scale output from refineries with petrochemical projects so as to keep them viable in the long run? Click on Report for more.
8Get a full database on existing, under construction, planned and proposed LNG terminals in India along with spatial display of terminals and gas pipelines in India. Click on Report for more.
8Find out more on new business opportunities planned by Petronet LNG Ltd. Click on Report for more.


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