Oct 10: 8Project Name: Greenfield Hydroeletric Project 8Project Cost: Rs 900 crore 8Project Description: The owner carrying out the detailed project report activities for scoping the environment clearance for a 96 MW (2*48 MW) greenfield hydel project. TOR has been accorded on 15th October 2013 which would be valid for four years for S & I works, and after its expiry the proponent has to apply for fresh TOR. DPR has been submitted to CWC and CEA for appraisal. At present, survey & investigation works are in progress along with EIA studies which would take another 8-10 months for completion. NBWL clearance is also awaiting. The owner will come out with package wise contracts costing 258.79 crores as civil package and 168.30 crores as HM & EM packages. 8Project Event: RFQ for civil works are expected by Q4 of 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2018 8RFQ Date: Q4:2018 8Release Date: Q1:2019 8Start Date: Q2:2019 8Completion Date: Q3:2023 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Greenfield Hydroeletric Project 8Project Cost: Rs 1600 Crores 8Project Description: The owner is planning to set up a 52 MW (2*26 MW) hydel plant. The Hydroelectric Project obtained an extension on TOR in February, 2017 due to capacity revision from 80 MW to 52 MW. The DPR has been prepared and SIA (Social Impact Assessment) studies are being carried out at present. Earlier this year, the owner had floated an EOI, inviting private players to form a JV with it, for executing this project but no one has been selected yet. The company is expected to float RFQs for major hydro-mechanical equipment (i.e turbine-generator) in 2019. 8Project Event: RFQs for turbine-generator (T-G) is expected to be out in 2019. 8Expenditure Approval: 2015 8RFQ Date: 2019 8Release Date: 2019 8Start Date: 2019 8Completion Date: 2024 Click here for more information