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The hydrogen revolution-IV: When will it reach critical mass?
Oct 06: The one problem for a hydrogen-based mobility revolution is the high cost of transporting and dispensing of the fuel.
8Many of the initial hydrogen stations were deployed at about $2 million to $3 million per station. Most government and industry consortium estimates suggest that average cost will drop over time to more like $1 million per station and potentially as low as $0.5 million for relatively small stations.
8In Japan and the US, governments are part funding these stations.
8By the end of 2016 there were about 4,000 fuel cell cars, plus several hundred fuel cell buses, with more than 150 hydrogen stations.
8Considering all that, a Hydrogen Council report indicates that the combined tally of goals and announcements by governments could reach about 3,000 total hydrogen stations and support a total of 2 million hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the 2025 time frame.
8The same report estimates that government plans for 2,000 hydrogen stations in Europe, 800 in Asia, and 600 in the United States would be enough to help enable the fuel cell vehicle market with a self-sustaining hydrogen fueling infrastructure.
8Alternatives continue to emerge in terms of the hydrogen station footprint and its revenue streams. Existing gasoline and diesel stations can lease space to hydrogen station developers, generating income for themselves, as well as potentially reducing costs for the hydrogen providers relative to developing entirely new fuel station sites.
8Many of the early stations are indeed located at existing gas stations.
8Japan has an ambitious target of going all hydrogen instead of all electric with its mobility revolution.
8It is time for India too to look at the hydrogen economy with more seriousness than it has done so far
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