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Aug 29: 8The website carries here an analysis of how rising Indian gasoline sales positively impact the demand for crude tanker ton mile demand worldwide. Click on Report for more.
8The Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell has recently hit the Limca Book of World Records. Find out how. Click on Report for more.
8VLCCs are still suffering from the ongoing problem of supply outstripping demand and rates have further slipped even though there has been an uptick in activity. Click on Report for more.
82017 has seen a notable increase in unplanned refinery outages, which has naturally had an impact on the product tanker market. Find out how. Click on Report for more.
8Today petrol and diesel prices reflect the cost of supply in India. However, there is still a significant difference between sale price of diesel and that of petrol, due to differential rates of excise tax imposed by Central Government, which is further accentuated by difference in the VAT rates imposed on diesel and petrol by the states. Rationalization of taxes would bring many benefits. Find out more on the argument that diesel should not be given preferential tax treatment any more. Click on Report for more.
8HOEC has begun production of gas from its Dirok field in Upper Assam. The field was developed in a record time of 27 months and will eventually deliver around 1 mmscmd of gas. OIL will buy the gas. Further development of new discoveries is now planned. The development also points to the fact that onland gas production is viable in India at existing pricing norms. Click on Report for more.
8The much touted National Energy Policy brought out by Niti Ayog is full of all kinds of inconsistencies, according to a leading international research agency. It looks more like an advocacy document than a government policy statement. Find our more.Click on Report.


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