LNG outlook: Difficult to say which side is winning
Aug 24:
How LNG prices will behave in the medium term depends entirely on perspective. And the battle between those who believe that prices will remain depressed for longer and those who don't is fought almost on a daily basis. 8For now, sellers are more bullish and here are the arguments advanced by them: 8LNG importing countries growing to >100 by 2020: – Traditional exporters in market as buyers for domestic requirements eg Indonesia – New buyers emerging: Thailand, Singapore, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan, Philippines, Egypt, Jordan etc 8Significant additional supply required to replace expiring contracts in North Asian markets 8Key North Asian markets such as Korea and Taiwan prioritizing LNG over coal and nuclear. 8China environmental policies encouraging fuel switching 8LNG usage expanding (to merchant shipping, for example) 8FSRUs supporting demand growth, enabling faster delivery to markets 8Most commonly, LNG marketing is currently being increasingly undertaken on an equity sales basis Click on Reports to find out more