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Rs 12,000 crore coal-based ammonia urea units: LSTK contracts are coming up
Aug 18: Nearly 70% of China's urea capacity is based on ammonia produced from syn gas extracted out of coal
8In India, two such projects are coming up, with price tags of around Rs 12,000 crore
8In one, an international agency has been hired as consultant
8In the other, process licensors have been selected.
8Clearly promoters of both these urea-ammonia plants seem to be seriously going about trying to get their clearances and financial closures
8For one, the RFQ for the LSTK contractor is expected in November 2017, for another in 2018
8Click here to go to our software for a detailed 360-degree view of these projects, with details of the new facilities and units coming up, along with key contacts
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