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Our software-III: We give you the contacts you need
Aug 03: One of our most effective business development tools is our phone validated contact list of decision makers in the industrial segments that we cover.
8We go to extraordinary lengths to give you at least 5 to 8 key contacts (solely responsible for projects) within each company, facility and unit or project
8The onus of implementing a project moves from an owner to the contractor, and we shift our focus accordingly, giving you a list of phone validated contact numbers for every contractor associated with a project
8We understand that striking a deal is all about building relationships with the right people at the right time.
8So not everyone figures in our contact list. We pick and chose departmental heads who you can talk business with.
Among the departments that we keep track of within a given industrial facility are:
8Facility in-charge
8Purchase in-charge
8Engineering in-charge
8Projects in-charge
8Logistics in-charge
8HSE in-charge
8IT in-charge
8We also have contact lists within every unit within a facility. There is an independent contact list too for the company or for headquarters.
Having a valid contact list within a running project is of paramount importance.
We give you the right onsite names of the:

8Manager representing the owner
8Manager representing the EPC or PMC contractor
8Manager representing the various sub contractors in the project
Our attempt is to give you an adequate information matrix on upcoming business opportunities at the pre-tender stage.


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