Aug 03: We provide accurate and fully validated investment estimations in the segments we are present. 8We have a unique bottom-up approach, where our engineers collect information from the ground level to build the macro investment picture. The estimation model therefore is much more accurate than a top down methodology. 8Using modeling, our data can be extrapolated further to provide you five and 10-year predictions. 8The investment data can be sliced into industrial sub-segments, and further segregated in terms of specific facilities and units, geographies, operators and promoters. 8Bankers and insurance companies will find this information of great help, when searching for clients looking for funding 8We can tell you how much investment has passed the capital approval stage, how much is under basic and detailed engineering, how much is under contracting and commissioning. 8We can project the size of the maintenance pie within a sector or sub-sector. 8Out software can disaggregate overall investments into many smaller sub-components to provide clients with a multi-faceted picture. 8It can a valid third party tool to keep track of projects in which banks and financial institutions have loaned money Suppliers of equipment and services: 8They can plan better when they get a fully disaggregated picture of how investments are going to pan out. 8They can target specific business opportunities, particularly for investments which have not reached the RFQ stage, either at the level of the promoter or contractor 8Our contact database can be tapped to zero in on specific managers handling these investments within corporate entities Suppliers of energy products: 8Accurate bottom-up estimation of fresh demand for energy in new capacities that are coming within an industrial sector.Detailed energy matrices in every industrial facility allow suppliers to save on time and research to zero in on the right opportunity 8A fully validated contact list allows the supplier to immediately get in touch with a potential client Banks and Financial Institutions 8Look for new clients requiring funding from our database of those promoters whose investments are at the planning stage but have not received capital approval 8Our contact database provides an easy way to directly get in touch with promoters Government and research institutions 8Accurate way of validating overall investment data 8Conduct further modeling from our disaggregated data