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Jul 24: 8The shale oil revolution has brought about enormous geopolitical, economic and climate change shifts. This has serious implications well beyond what meets the normal eye. Click on Report for more.
8The website carries here key contact data on 100 major Indian infrastructure projects. Click on Report for more.
8LPG: Get a Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics, Working Capital Requirement, Plant Layout, Process Flow Sheet, Cost of Project, Projected Balance Sheets, Profitability
Indo-US Energy Cooperation: An outline. Click on Report for more.
8Estimates of total infrastructure investments needed in light of new climate change policies. Click on Report for motre.
8A market analysis of fuel efficiency technology potential of heavy duty vehicles in China: Implications for India. Click on Report for more.
8Deep decarbonization of transport and mobility may not be achieved at any acceptable level of carbon tax, a new argument seems to say. Consider a thought experiment in which the target is to reduce consumption of carbon emitting fuels to half of today’s levels. To achieve that, one would need to charge a much higher price for oil products to the consumer- perhaps higher than the equivalent of $200/bbl of crude oil. This level is based on the observation that prices of $150/bbl did not do much to reduce oil consumption in the last decade. Lower demand would put downward pressure on oil prices. But, to reduce production significantly, oil prices may need to fall below $20/bbl. After all, prices at $30/bbl did little to choke off production.Click on Report for more.
8Strength in Global Economy Means Higher Travel Pricing in 2018. click on Report for more.
8Project and Development India: Giving itself a facelift? Click on Report for more.
8Strategic advisor for sale of MRPL to ONGC needed. Click on Report for more.
8Latest Indian basket of crude prices. Click on Report for more.


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