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Oil price over next four quarters: World's biggest analysts cannot agree on what the price will be
Jul 18: The world's foremost analysts in the oil and gas sector do not seem to agree on how oil prices are going to behave in the next one year. These analysts belong some of the best known research and financial institutions around the world.
8While the disagreement is narrower -- between $ 66-44/bbl -- over how prices will be in Q-3, 2017, it widens to $80-37 by Q-2, 2018.
8The $ 37/bbl bet is made by well known analyst I. Schmidt of Hamburger Sparkasse AG while the $ 80 projection is made by F. Klumpp from Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg.
8Current forward curves, however, show far less volatility and range between $ 49.1 to $ 51.1 between Q-3, 2017 and Q-2, 2018.
8The wide range of projections shows a huge amount of disagreement among the best analysts in the world over what the impact of demand and supply will be in the midst of OPEC price cuts, US shale production, the advent of disruptive technology and climate change pressures.
8Many a reputation is at stake
The website carries here the following details
8Name of the research agency
8Name of the analyst
8Date of projection
8Quarterly projection of prices by each analyst over the next four quarters
8So for an Indian analyst, which is the best price to pick for his short term analysis?
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