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Coal India is the third largest polluter in the world: Find out more on how companies can work out transition risks
Jul 12: Over half of global industrial emissions since human-induced climate change was officially recognized can be traced to just 25 corporate and state producing entities.
8Coal India Ltd has been identified as the third highest contributor to global carbon emissions.
8No other Indian company figures in this list of 25.
8A study goes to show how a fossil fuel company can design a transition plan that will minimize the physical and transition risks imposed by climate change.
8A transition plan begins with the setting of an emissions target.
8Companies such as RIL, ONGC, OIl and Cairn India, which are still fumbling with how to handle the transition, may find this report of great interest.
8They can now set an emission based target, and work backwards on how its business models will be impacted as a consequence.
8This will just another way of fine tuning their business models.
Click on Reports to find out more.


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