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PM to monitor sweeping reforms-XIII: World class regulator to be in place soon
Jun 29: The PNGRB's provisions for open access’ and ‘regulated tariff’ will be extended to gas off-takers at the LNG terminals.
8The government will issue necessary policy guidelines for this as soon as possible.
8This will create the necessary tail winds needed to push for a larger share of gas in India's energy mix
8This is in line with the current thinking that the oil & gas sector needs world class regulators.
8It will be ensured that the PNGRB do not end up in any stake-holder capture, be it the consumers or the investors.
8In order to achieve energy security, supply security is essential. The sooner are the regulations issued, swifter will be the response from industry.
8Statutory provisions will be so made to provide for effective regulators in the oil & gas industry.
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