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GAIL to pay more for LNG vessel hire-III: Demand-supply gap emerging in LNG vessels
Jun 28: GAIL seems to have missed the bus when it comes to contracting for LNG vessels to ship its US LNG commitments to India at reasonable charter hire rates.
8The website carries here a projection of how future LNG vessel demand exceeds the current order book
8The website also carries here a vessel-wise delivery schedule against vessel requirement
8Average sailing distances are now growing rapidly
8Detailed vessel utilization and shipping rates are carried here.
8Spot fixtures over the last few months are carried here in relation to the same period over the last three years, and they show a rising trend.
8There are now indications that vessel rates are going to tighten and this will raise the delivery cost of GAIL's LNG
8This website also has its own daily LNG vessel charter hire rate data collected from global sources and contacts
Click on Reports and on our Price section for more


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