The future is here-V: Learn about what is in store
Jun 21: It is time for Indian gas suppliers to learn from international experience Find out more on how to access the following presentations: 8Consumer’s Attitude Towards Investments in Residential Energy Efficient Appliances: How End-user Choices Contribute to Change Future Energy Systems 8Understanding Natural Gas Prices: Bubbles, Oil Indexation and Structural Breaks 8The Threshold Effect Analysis of Urbanization and Energy Consumption: A Case Study of 29 Provinces in China 8Modeling Demand-Price Curve: A Clustering Approach to Derive Dynamic Elasticity for Demand Response Programs 8Enhancing Sustainable Development from Oil, Gas, Mining: From an ‘All of Government’ Approach to Partnerships for Development 8The Impact of Stricter Standards on CO2 Emission Across Industries 8Long-term Gas Contracts Evolution in the Changing Industry Environment 8Arguments For and Against LNG as a Base for Russian Gas Exports to Asia 8A Strategy of LNG Exporting Countries for Trading: Price Competition, Leadership or Collusion? 8A Reference Framework for Formulating Gas Hub Prices 8A Global Coal-Phase-Out and the International Coal Market: A Focus on Demand-side and Supply-side Policies in China and India 8Rethinking the Way to Decarbonize the Energy System: Prospective Study of Hydrogen Markets Attractiveness 8Improving the Business Case for Consumer-level Energy Storage 8Modeling a Global Energy System based on 100% Renewables 8Decarbonizing the Indian Energy System until 2050 8What Drives Natural Gas Pricing? A Cross Country Study 8The Impact of International Oil Price on Asian Natural Gas Premium Based on Dynamic Autoregressive Model 8Understanding the Value of Gas Infrastructure in Supporting Southeast Asia’s Mid-Merit Power Sector 8Reluctance to Adopt Energy Efficiency Renovation in Chinese Households – A Behavioural Perspective 8Mute Carbon Price? How to Restore Economic Incentives in Emission Trading 8Connecting the Heat and Electricity Market to Accomodate Renewable Energy 8How ‘Integrated’ is an Integrated Oil and Gas Company (IOC)? Understanding How and Why IOCs Pursue Alternative Business Models 8Can Deregulation of CNG Reverse the Outcome of Regulation? 8The Profitability of Transnational Energy Infrastructure 8OPEC Cartel Behavior: What Is Their Objective and What May Happen Now? 8Estimation of the Efficiency of Policy Measures Targeting a More Integrated Gas Market Click on Reports for more