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Methane emissions: No-cost, low-cost opportunities exist
May 15: Policy planners in India will have to look at significant no-cost and low-cost opportunities exist to reduce methane emissions.
8Operational benefits of reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations and assets include improved gas recovery, leading to increased volumes available for sale.
8Regulation combined with economic incentives can drive innovation and reduce emissions.
8Regulation combined with economic incentives can drive innovation and reduce emissions.
8Norway, for example, prohibits flaring of natural gas at oil wells except for security reasons, so oil companies cannot sell the oil until they find a use for the associated gas – either by re-injecting it for pressure support or by arranging for pipeline transport to customers.
8This regulation, in addition to a carbon tax introduced in 1991, became a driving force for development of new technologies such as the "closed flare system”.
8If India were to stick to its commitments to diminish its carbon footprint, policy planners will have to look at methane leaks in India sooner than later
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